
New Species of Sex-Crazed Dinosaur Uncovered

I can't imagine that the sex life of a dinosaur was ever very glamorous. Dino boning most likely included large amounts of bloodshed and irreparable habitat destruction ("Is that your horn or mine?!"). In other words, it was f***ing awesome. 

Still, dry, scaly kneecaps and 4-ton piles of reptile shit probably aren't the most attractive attributes in the world...unless they are. In that case, I'm going to need a trash bag filled with Fiber One and a lot of matches. Anyway, it seems that dinosaurs were always coming up with interesting wardrobe choices to compensate for their monstrous appearance. Like this young lady:

The recently discovered Mojoceratops. (Full Article Can Be Found Here) What a little hussy...
The dinosaur is one of more than a dozen species belonging to the chasmosaurine ceratopsid family, which are defined by elaborate frills on their skulls. A plant eater about the size of a hippopotamus, Mojoceratops appeared about 75 million years ago during the Late Cretaceous -- 10 million years earlier than its well-known cousin, the Triceratops. The species, which is related to another dinosaur in Texas, is found only in Canada's Alberta and Saskatchewan provinces and was short-lived, having survived for only about one million years.
I guess evolution doesn't give a shit if your head looks like a burlap zipper. Somebody better warn these creatures...

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